The most important thing to be
followed while focussing on a diet to provide energy to the body is to eat wholesome and unprocessed foods.
Food acts as a fuel to the body
Foods and drinks that we consume
during the day are mainly responsible to provide energy to our bodies. The main
nutrients of a healthy diet are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Of all,
carbohydrates are the foremost source of energy for the body. Carbohydrates are
of two types:
- Simple
- Complex
Fats and proteins also play their
role in providing energy when the reserve of carbohydrates has depleted from
the body. When a person eats food, it is broken down to small components and
absorbed which is used as energy to fuel the bodies and which is also termed as
‘body metabolism’.
Foods act as energy booster
Diets which can boost the energy
levels of a person are:
Foods rich in carbohydrates
Healthy diet should comprise of foods rich in complex carbohydrates which are digested slowly and consistently by the body. Since complex carbohydrates are known to sustain the energy levels of a person for almost entire day, one should consume more foods rich in this type of carbohydrates. They help in maintaining the sugar levels of a person at stable levels, and the pancreas in turn produce lesser insulin. Hence, the body has a feeling of satiety and fullness for a longer period of time. Whole grains, fresh fruits and juices, vegetables and high quantity of water are very essential to maintain the energy levels of a person as they contain more complex carbohydrates.
Simple carbohydrates like sugar, candies, sweetened beverages are broken down and digested easily. They are quickly absorbed by our body cells and provide instant energy for half an hour to one hour. However, since they are digested quickly, they result in an energy slump later on. Similarly, alcohol is a depressant which has the power to reduce energy levels of a person and caffeine provides a boost of energy for two hours and then crashes.
Foods rich in protein
Another energy booster for the
human body is protein intake. Protein rich foods like lentils, beans, fish,
meat contain more fibre and provide fullness to the stomach for a long period
of time. They also help to maintain the blood sugar levels of a person to the
optimum level thus, increasing the energy levels of a person.
Foods rich in magnesium
All fruits and vegetables provide the requisite amount of fruits and vegetables for the body. However, if a person feels too lethargic to do ay work, it could be magnesium deficiency. Studies have revealed that magnesium is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in a human body. Magnesium deficiency also results in high heart beat rates and such people need more oxygen to work. This leaves with the use of more energy reserves from the body making the person feel tired all the time. Some foods rich in magnesium are:
- All
whole grain foods especially bran cereals;
- Almonds,
hazel nuts, cashews;
- Fish
Foods containing mono-saturated fats
Mono-saturated fat is considered
to be among the best of dietary fats for the body. They are very helpful to
maintain a healthy body as they assist the body to absorb the nutrients from
the food, mainly those fat soluble vitamins of A, E, D and K. These fats help
to reduce the bad cholesterol from the body and aid in generating more energy
in the body. However, it should be included in moderation in the diet. Some
foods which contain mono-saturated fats are:
- Olives
and olive oil
- Peanuts
- Avocados
- Canola,
hazelnut oils.
Drink more water
Lack of sufficient water in the
human body can leave a person feeling tired, lethargic and fatigued. The only
solution is a tall glass of cool water. Especially, consumption of water is
very essential as the body carves for fluids after hectic work-outs.
Similarly, reduction of alcohol from the diet can bring in more energy in a
person. Alcohol has the effect of disturbing sleep even though it might help a
person fall asleep immediately. A person who feels tired even after eight hours
of sleep should cut down on alcohol during evening hours. A good night sleep
will automatically boost energy levels for the next day.
Thus, healthy and proper diet has
a great role in boosting the energy levels of a person and increasing hid
productivity. An active and fit person also remains happy at heart.
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