
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How to Maintain Fitness During the Monsoon Season Without Going out?

Keep yourself fit during the monsoon season.
Monsoon brings joy along; even the birds and animals around you seem to enjoy the rain. Especially, the first rain is a pleasant welcome to all suffering from the scorching heat of the sun. The rain, thunder, pleasant weather and chirping of birds around you all seem to sweep in positive vibes. However, beware of the food that you eat during this season. The spicy and fried food with a sip of your favorite beverage can actually cause weight gain. The lack of outdoor exercise combined with improper monsoon eating habits can result in excess weight gain.

How to maintain Fitness without going out?

Exercise is the most essential part of the monsoon health schedule. It is essential to look for other options to stay active, fit and healthy. Read on to know how you can make the best use of the monsoon season to stay fit and active.

Dance indoors

10 Workouts/Exercises that Can Train You for the Perfect Obstacle Course Race

Obstacle Course Race
An obstacle course race is the latest fitness trend among the current generation, who prefer to sweat out during weekends rather than sleeping. So, what actually is an obstacle course race? Obstacle course race is a sequence of challenging physical hurdles that an athlete or a team needs to face and navigate within a specified time. Obstacle races include a combination of various activities in a sequence including racing, cycling, tire swings, climbing, crawling, jumping and balancing acts. An athlete crosses a hurdle to face an activity change within a few meters. The varying speeds and the resultant change in body movements at a fast pace kickstart the metabolism rate and improve endurance levels in an individual.

How to train for an obstacle course race?

The training program for the obstacle course race should include:

·        Running 4-to 5-miles a day, across varying landscapes aids in improving the endurance levels of a person. Introduction of variations including intervals and hill runs between the running schedule can enhance speed and the muscle power.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hypertension - Manage High Blood Pressure with Exercises

Sedentary life style has given rise to an increasing instance of high blood pressure among people. The high blood pressure also known as hypertension increases the scope of heart attack in a person by three times, scope of stroke by five times and heart failure by two times. Hypertension can never be known outside as symptoms are not painful. A definite way of maintaining a normal blood pressure is through changes in life style by salt reduction in food, regular exercise and weight loss.

How can exercise help cure hypertension?

Regular exercises have the power to reduce the blood pressure in a body and maintain it at a normal level. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main contributing factors to heart disease. H
ence, exercises can help by making up for the sedentary lifestyle. Exercises benefit a person with hypertension in the following ways:

  • Improves and strengthens the health of the entire cardiovascular system and heart;
  • Improves blood circulation in the body;
  • Improves energy levels in the body;
  • Increases the endurance level of a person;
  • Improves flexibility in the body;
  • Reduces body fat and results in weight loss;
  • Reduces stress and tension;
  • Improves bone strength;
  • Improves sleep;
  • Improves the overall image of a person.

Workout Without Working Out - 10 Foods that Can Help You Lose Weight Without Exercises

Work-outs are definitely an important schedule of our day-to-day fitness schedules. However, there are certain food items which can help lose weight faster. One of the research studies on dietary foods came out with a unique finding that mono-saturated fatty acids have a tendency to reduce the fat content from the body. Similarly, there are certain fat-releasing properties in calcium and dairy, vitamin C, protein which can gently shift the human body into a fat release mode.

Calcium and dairy

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to Remain Safe and Healthy at a Gym?

Hectic lifestyle and sedentary work-culture has increased the need and awareness of the importance of fitness among people. Congratulations! You have the taken the first step in the right direction by deciding to exercise regularly to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

Ready, Set, Workout!A gym is one of the most preferred ways of maintaining fitness in recent times. If you have also embarked on a fitness regime at a gym, then you should adhere to certain safety guidelines. All good things carry risks with them. Similarly, work out at a gym is accompanied with its own hazards and safety issues. The key to a healthy workout is to maintain the personal safety at the gym.

Ensure that the maintenance of fitness equipment is done regularly at your gym and professionals are available for you while exercising, to reduce the chances of accidents. There are several other basic safety tips which you need to ensure while exercising at a gym. These guidelines can not only help you keep fit, but also be safe, during the course of workouts.

Tips to stay safe and healthy at a gym

Obtain an all-inclusive check-up
You should ensure that a comprehensive health checkup is conducted prior to the commencement of workout programs at a gym. This is essential to avert or modify specific types of exercises, which can aggravate medical conditions like cardiovascular problems, hypertension, joint problems, and back pains.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

12 Proven Ways to Boost Your Body Metabolic Rate

Boost the body's metabolism rate with simple tips.
The main aim of most people around the world lies on boosting the body metabolism rate. A high metabolic rate helps in burning of higher calories and thus, burn fat in the body on a daily basis. If the metabolic rate of the body is not adequate enough or proper, then body will start storing the excess fat in the body for future use. However, the extra calories never get used and finally end up in obesity.

Many factors affect a person body metabolism. Some of the major factors are:
·        Age of the person;
·        Weight of the person;
·        Hormonal changes or hormone functioning of a person;
·        Lean muscle mass in the body;
·        Diet of a person;
·        Genetic factors;
·        Stress factors;
·        Amount of physical activity.
How to boost the body metabolism rate?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How Can Improved Flexibility Aid in Weight Loss?

Many people consider that flexibility training is a way to cool down the body after a rigorous workout. However, while stretching helps in cooling the body, it is also a prime means of achieving your weight loss goals.

Improvement in physical performance
Flexibility exercise and training help in improving the range of motion and enable improvement in physical performance of the human body. Nowadays, sedentary lifestyles have made physical activity tiring for people, and even if they engage in physical activities, they either become tired very soon or catch a muscle sprain. The only solution to such problems is flexibility training. They improve the muscle movement and work like a lubricant for the body. One could easily note the physical movement of a person who engages in flexibility exercise and training and who does not.

Reduction of soreness of muscles in the body
A human body without much activity and exercises can be a victim of strain and muscle soreness when he engages in physical activity all of a sudden. Flexibility exercise and training help in reducing the strain and soreness of muscles. Muscles have a tendency to adapt to high intensive activities when performed regularly and thus, lessen the possibility of soreness of muscles. The flexibility exercises help in reducing the injuries to the body.

The Best Weight Loss Technique - Flexibility Training and Exercise

Flexibility is very important as flexible muscles allow a body to move through a complete range of motion. A human body requires a certain amount of flexibility to have smooth movements, prevent muscle tension and injuries to the body. Especially, certain activities require a vast motion by the human body can be made easier through flexibility exercise and training. Certain joints and other accompanying muscles might not be used for very frequently and might become tight with time. Proper flexibility exercise and training can help the smooth movement of joints and allow the accompanying muscles to support the joint movement.

How to Manage Weight with Healthy Breakfast?

Do you know that you can manage your weight with a healthy breakfast?
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day which helps a person stay healthy and fit. Skipping a breakfast or eating innumerable slices of buttery bread could spell disaster for the body. A few changes to our mind-set and lifestyle can turn the typical morning meal into a healthy breakfast resulting in perfect weight management. Here are some important tips that will help a person join the rank of healthy breakfast eaters.
Plan breakfast in advance
The morning hurry shows its effect on breakfast and people often tend to skip their breakfast giving the reason of “No time”. Studies have revealed that skipping a breakfast can lead to weight gain in a person. Few tips which can help a person avoid skipping a breakfast are:
  • Plan the breakfast menu in advance and if possible, the previous night itself.
  • Lay out all the necessary ingredients in the required quantity the previous day itself at a specific place.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Top 10 Breakfasts That Can Keep You Fit and Energetic

A healthy breakfast can keep you healthy and fit throughout the day.
Breakfast is the first food and drink a person has after a long gap of eight hours. However, research has also proved that the breakfast can boost your metabolism and have a positive effect on the energy levels during the day. Moreover, people who have breakfast are not prone to obesity and diabetes the way non-breakfast eaters are. The most important tip for a healthy breakfast is to eat breakfast every day without any break and at almost the same time. Body has its own clock mechanism and changing the time on a daily basis can harm the overall health. A healthy breakfast includes a combination of nutrient rich, energy-boosting and health-revitalising foods. This article provides ten ideas to ensure a healthy menu at the breakfast table. 

Nutritive Effect of Diet on Your Health and Fitness Levels

The hectic lifestyle and stressful lives has made peaceful and healthy eating habits almost impossible for everyone. Managing such a hectic life and juggling all responsibilities of work and personal life can make a person tired, exhausted as they find very little time to sleep, stressful life and are always running after time. Food has a direct effect on the overall energy levels of a person. Just recollect how you feel after a meal. Sometimes, you feel refreshed and full of vigour while sometimes, you feel sleepy and tired. Research has shown that fast foods full of oil and fat tend to calm down the senses while fresh fruits and vegetables have a positive effect on a person’s mind.

The most important thing to be followed while focussing on a diet to provide energy to the body is to eat wholesome and unprocessed foods.

How to Treat Yeast Infections?

A fungi known as candida results in yeast infection.
Yeast infections or candidiasis are infections, which develop when a fungus called candida grows in excessive quantities in your body. There are many medications to cure the problem, but a holistic approach for yeast infection treatment is extremely effective in providing a long term cure.

A holistic approach for yeast infection treatment involves some dietary modifications and lifestyle changes that work collectively to prevent the growth of the fungi and eradicate it from your body.

How to Treat Panic Attacks?

There are effective treatment options for panic attacks
A panic attack is an abrupt and intense sensation of fright or apprehension that occurs in some people, even in the absence of any peril situation. This attack can be quite unnerving and trigger further feelings of anxiety. The symptoms of a panic attack include profuse sweating, palpitations of the heart, breath shortness, trembling and choking sensations. Most people experience panic attack at some point of their life, but recurrent panic attacks can be an indication of disorder.

Panic disorders are completely curable health conditions. Research has proved that a medication, psychotherapy or a combination of both can effectively treat this disorder.

Can Seabands Relieve Morning Sickness?

Sea bands can relieve morning sickness
Morning sickness is one of the sore experiences of pregnancy. Doctors are not very comfortable treating nausea with medications during pregnancy. The most effective solution to treat nausea without any drugs or risk is through the use of sea bands. A sea band is an acupressure band and comprises of a plastic button on an elastic band. A pregnant woman needs to wear this band around her wrists at the proper position. If worn properly, this band exerts pressure on Nei Kuan or P6 points in the wrist which can considerably reduce the feeling of nausea.

Which Laser Skin Resurfacing Technique Works Best For You?

Laser skin resurfacing can remove the wrinkles on your face and neck
Laser skin resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure to remove wrinkles and blemishes from the face and neck. There are primarily two types of laser methods used in this treatment namely, ablative and non-ablative methods. These different procedures require different types of laser beams to repair the skin damaged at the surface level and evaporate the dead skin cells.

Laser Skin Resurfacing - Are You Ready to Give a Facelift to Your Face and Neck?

Do the pimple scars or blemishes on your face prevent you from being social? Well, not anymore. Try the laser skin resurfacing technique to reduce wrinkles and other irregularities on the face, including acne scars and pimple marks. 

Laser skin resurfacing is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves the removal of the uppermost layers of the skin through a focused laser beam. This treatment comprises of passing short pulsating beams of light on the affected parts of the skin, in order to remove it layer by layer. Various types of laser beams penetrate to different depths, and the choice of a beam depends on the need and suitability of the skin.

Friday, July 5, 2013

How to Prevent Sore and Itchy Eyes?

You can easily prevent the problem of sore and itchy eye allergies.
My previous blog posts on itchy eyes concentrated on causes and  remedies for dry-itchy and watery-itchy eyes. But then prevention is better than cure. Now that you have treated your sore eyes, let's have a look at some of the preventive measures for this problem.

There are certain tips which can help in the prevention of all kinds of allergies or dryness or itchiness of the eyes.

Itchy Eyes - Home Remedies and Treatment for Itchy Eyes

I discussed the causes of itchy and sore eyes in my previous blog. There can be two types of itchy eyes, dry itchiness and watery-itchy eyes. Now, let me highlight the remedies that can soothe bo

A healthy diet, sound sleep and clean atmosphere can soothe and prevent sore, itchy and red eyes. Sometimes, sore eyes can also associate other eye infections like  Blepharitis and dry eyes. Hence, it is essential to contact an eye care professional at the earliest, if you experience any kind of reddishness or soreness in your eyes.

Remedies for Dry and Itchy Eyes

What Causes Sore and Itchy Eyes?

There are multiple causes for itchy and sore eyes.
Are you suffering from red, itchy eyes? Statistics reveal that millions of people suffer from itchy eye problems, all around the world. Read on to know the prime causes for itchy eyes.

Eyes are among the most sensitive organs in the human body. This sensitive organ is prone to various allergies and infections, resulting in itchy eyes. Itchy eyes are an uncomfortable and irritating sensation in the eyes that can be accompanied by dryness,  wateriness and reddishness. 

Causes of dry itchy eyes

The dryness and itchiness of the eyes can be caused due to various factors affecting them like allergies, aging and medication side effects. Some of the commonly prevalent reasons for this infection are:

Top 8 Ways to Prevent and Slow Skin Aging

Prevent aging signs with positive lifestyle and meditation
Do you see wrinkles, blemishes, dark spots, fine lines or age spots on your skin? Aging is an ongoing process, and as age progresses, dark spots, blemishes and age spots start appearing on the skin surface. The market is flooded with skin care products and anti-aging lotions and creme. The internet can reveal multiple products and their reviews to enable users to choose the best anti-aging product suitable to their skin type. These anti-aging products contain specific ingredients which help in firming muscles and removing wrinkles from the skin.

How to keep the skin from aging

Top 5 Home Remedies for Hair Loss

A healthy lifestyle can easily treat hair loss.
Hair loss is a natural process occurring on a daily basis in the life of every human being. A normal human being can lose up to hundred strands of hair every day. However, this hair fall is never noticeable as an equal number of strands re-grow and replace the loss. An alarm is raised when the rate of hair loss is higher than the hair growth. The most common factors that can trigger hair loss among people can be genetic factors, advancing age, stress, tension, hormonal imbalances, depression, anxiety and lack of proper hair care. However, there are methods and natural treatments for  hair loss which can be done at the comfort of the home.

A healthy lifestyle combined with a balanced diet, regular exercise, sound sleep, regular hair care regime and avoidance of any chemical cosmetic treatments on hair is the best treatment for hair loss.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Which is Safer - Tanning Beds or Spray Tans

Most people consider bronze or golden-colored dark skin as a mark of eternal beauty. Men and women around the world try various techniques to maintain a perfect complexion. Sun bath is among the most popular tanning techniques that have been prevalent since ages. Though the sun rays are considered beneficial for the skin, prolonged exposure can lead to numerous skin problems and diseases.

Medical science has therefore, innovated sunless tanning methods that can protect you from harmful UV rays and present a beautiful tanned complexion. The most popular amongst sunless tanning methods are tanning beds and spray-on tan products.

Tanning Beds - Pros and Cons

8 Natural Remedies to Erase Pimple Scars/ Marks

You can erase your pimple scars with simple home remedies.
Does your pimple scar prevent you from attending public functions, parties or even meeting new people? Then, you are not alone. There are millions of teenagers around the world who battle the pimple scars day in and day out. There are numerous over-the -counter products available for removing the pimple scars. However, the effect can be short-termed and can even cause skin allergies. You will be amazed to know that your kitchen shelf is filled with several miracle remedies for this skin problem. Use it regularly and you will be amazed to notice the results. Not only will your marks fade away, but your face will also start glowing in the process.  

Natural Remedies to Erase Pimple Scars/ Marks

Neem paste and sandal powder: Sandalwood has a natural power to lighten the skin marks and neem is an anti-infective product. A combination of both can effectively bring a natural tone to the pimple scars left out by the eruption of pimples.

4 Time Tested Techniques to Warm Up Prior to a Workout

Warm up prior to a workout can reduce injuries and improve blood flow.
Warming-up improves blood flow, boosts the body temperature and makes the collagen more flexible and receptive to intense activity. The aim of these pre-workout activities is to slightly increase the heart rate, but not to the extent experienced during the workout. 

The warm-up techniques are basically categorized under four broad categories. Fitness trainers customize the warm-up techniques based on FITT and individual needs.

4 Essential Elements of Warm Up Before Every Workout

Warming-up is a vital part of every exercise regimen. The term ‘warm-up’ refers to an act of conditioning the body muscles and joints, for an athletic event or a rigorous workout schedule. Cold muscles are incapable of absorbing shock or sudden impacts, and are hence easily susceptible to injuries.

Essential elements of correct warm-up techniques before a workout

Experts have defined the correct warm-up techniques to help you prepare physically and mentally for the exercises, as well as to prevent injuries to the body. According to them, every warm-up exercise should follow four main principles of FITT (Frequency, intensity, time and type).