
Monday, January 28, 2013

How can you Slow your Hair Fall Naturally?

Hair fall is a natural phenomenon and studies have revealed that around hundred strands of hair are lost on a daily basis. However, this loss is covered up by the growth of equivalent strands of hair and hence, never noticed. The hair fall can be a problem, only when the amount of hair loss exceeds hair growth. If you notice that your bathroom shower drain is backing up and you pull out a bunch of hair from the grate, then this is a trigger for a problem.

Which Foods Help in Prevention and Cure of Common Colds?

The cough is actually a defensive mechanism of the body to clear off all kinds of irritants and secretions from the body. There are generally two varieties of coughs. One is tickly cough which creates mucus and phlegm from the lungs while the other variable is an itchy cough which is dry and does not produce any substance from the body.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Butterfly Rash on Face - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Do you suffer from reddish rashes on your face that appear like a butterfly in shape? Then you are at the right place. This skin problem is medically termed as abutterfly rash on the face”.

A Butterfly rash, commonly referred to as a malar rash and refers to an irritation of the skin, which extends across your face in the shape of a butterfly.  The rash spreads in the form of a wing to cover your cheeks and as a body to run down the bridge of your nose. A butterfly rash is not a skin infection on its own, but a symptom of some other disease.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast through Home Remedies?

A common question that every teenager asks is "How to get rid of pimples fast?" A pimple is basically a red, elevated skin blemish that generally contains pus. These eruptions generally occur among teenagers, and can affect them physically and psychologically, even leaving them depressed. One of the most common reasons for the eruption of pimples include the hormonal disturbance in the body during or prior to menstruation, stress, dandruff and side effects of certain drugs.

Many medications and over-the-counter crèmes are available to eradicate the eruption from your face. However, there are many wonder cures within your own kitchen shelves that can not only get rid of your pimples fast, but also add a glow to your face. These home remedies do not have any side effects and are extremely effective. Some of them are so powerful that they can free you of your red sprouts overnight.

Home Remedies to get rid of pimples fast

Remedy # 1: Skin Exfoliation

One of the best remedies to get rid of pimples is to keep your face clean. Hence, it is essential to include a regular skin care routine in your life.

Cleanse your face with a mild cleanser at least once a day. Plain unboiled milk is considered as the best home cleanser for the skin. You should also ensure to maintain your hair free of dirt or oil.

Steam your face by draping a towel over your head. This steam can soften the skin and ease the process of exfoliation.