
Monday, December 31, 2012

Can exercises control your blood pressure?

Sedentary life style has given rise to an increasing instance of high blood pressure among people. The high blood pressure also known as hypertension increases the scope of heart attack in a person by three times, scope of stroke by five times and heart failure by two times. Hypertension can never be known outside as symptoms are not painful. A definite way of maintain a normal blood pressure is through changes in life style by salt reduction in food, regular exercise and weight loss.
How can exercise help cure hypertension?

Regular exercises have the power to reduce the blood pressure in a body and maintain it at a normal level. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main contributing factors to heart disease. Hence, exercises can help by making up for the sedentary lifestyle.

Exercises benefit a person with hypertension in the following ways:

  • Improves and strengthens the health of the entire cardiovascular system and heart;
  • Improves blood circulation in the body;
  • Improves energy levels in the body;
  • Increases the endurance level of a person;
  • Improves flexibility in the body;
  • Reduces body fat and results in weight loss;
  • Reduces stress and tension;
  • Improves bone strength;
  • Improves sleep;
  • Improves the overall image of a person.

How can people with hypertension start exercising?

A person with hypertension should first consult a physician before starting on an exercise regime. The physician can always help in finding a perfect set of exercises which can match the fitness level as well as general physical health of the person. A person should ask the following questions  before embarking on an exercise schedule:
  • How much exercises can be done every day?
  • What kind of exercises can be done every day?
  • What kind of activities can be avoided?
  • How frequently should exercises be done?
  • Whether the medication for hypertension should be taken around the exercise schedule?

Exercises suitable for hypertension patients

Exercises are basically of three types. They are:

  • Stretching exercises which help in lengthening of muscles and improve the range of motion in the body. This is basically for improving the flexibility of the body.
  • Aerobic exercises like jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, cross-country, jumping rope, skating and water aerobics. These types of exercises improve the heart and lung strength and also improve body’s capacity to use more oxygen. They are best for the heart.
  • Strengthening exercises which focus on improving the strength of muscles through systematic muscle contractions.
Aerobic exercises are best suited for patients with hypertension. They help in decreasing the heart rate and blood pressure and also improve the breathing pattern.
People with hypertension should generally do exercises, especially aerobic exercise for at least 20 to 30 minutes every day. If it not possible to exercise daily, one should make it a point to perform aerobics at least thrice a week.

A hypertension person should take special care to include all stages of exercise in his exercise routine. They are:

  • Warm up: This stage helps a body to adjust the rigor of exercise from the rest phase. A warm up is very essential to reduce the stress on heart and muscles, improve the breathing rate, heart rate and body temperature in a slow and steady manner.
  • Conditioning: This stage is followed after warm up wherein the benefits of exercises are gained by the body. Calories are burned systematically and people with hypertension should be cautious not to overdo any kind of strenuous exercise.
  • Cool down: This is the final stage of exercise and helps a body to return to rest phase from the conditioning phase. This does not mean remaining silent as that will increase the dizziness in the person. This simply implies reducing the intensity of exercises slowly to bring it to very low levels and allow the body to switch over to rest stage in a comfortable manner.

Precautions for hypertension people while exercising

There are certain precautions which every person with hypertension should follow.

  • Increase the activity levels in a gradual way. Sudden spurt of activity or sudden resting phase can be harmful for the blood pressure as well as heart.
  • Exercises should be done atleast one hour after the meals.
  • Exercises should be done at a steady speed. The speed should be maintained in such a manner that the person can comfortably talk while performing any exercise or activity.
  • Avoid lifting heavy weights.
  • Do not ignore any kind of pain either in the chest or anywhere in the body. Consult the physician immediately. Stop and consult a physician if any kind of dizziness, weakness, and unexplained weight gain is experienced.
  • Maintain an exercise record to be verified by a medical practitioner during every visit.
People with hypertension are generally advised to perform exercises and work-outs under the guidance of a trainer.

People with hypertension benefit a lot with regular exercises but these exercises should be done under proper supervision and after consultation with a physician.

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