
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

ADHD signs and symptoms

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic health condition that renders it difficult for a person or a child, to control their activity level and reactions to what is going around them. The problems related to ADHD are pervasive and chronic. This disorder can impair the routine functions of an individual at school, home or office, and in maintenance of relationships with others. The symptoms of ADHD are typically witnessed early in a child’s life, but are mostly detected only after a child enters school. This behavioral problem of childhood can continue up to adolescence and adulthood.

Signs and symptoms of ADHD

 The signs and symptoms of ADHD vary depending on the personality and situation of the individual. Experts have identified three main varieties of ADHD:

·       Predominantly inattentive;

·       Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive and

·       Combined type of ADHD.

The main criterion for the identification of ADHD in a person is the display of 6 or more signs of the disorder, for a minimum of six months before professional diagnosis. This behavior also makes the patient feel uncomfortable and unhappy at school, home, friends circle or workplace.

Symptoms of ADHD have been classified under three broad heads, namely, inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.


 Adults, adolescents and children with problem of inattentiveness, can find it difficult to stay focused and to carry on routine activities.  Some major signs of inattention in individuals are:

·       Easily distracted by irrelevant sounds and sights;


·       Frequent shift from one activity to another and seem to get bored easily;


·       Appear forgetful or confused at all times;


·       Problems in classification and organization of items/activities;


·       Difficulty in sorting information based on their relevancy;


·       Difficulty in safe keeping of things, easily losing items and living a disorganized life;


·       Problems in time management.


The problem of inattention is relatively less disturbing than symptoms of hyperactivity or impulsiveness. People with attention problems appear to be lethargic with slow response rate, and find it difficult to process information.


Adults, adolescents and children with problem of hyper activeness display high activity levels, either physical or verbal over-activity. Some common signs of the hyperactive symptom in people/children are:

·       Seem to be in constant motion, as if driven by some engine;


·       Difficulty in keeping the body still. They keep shaking their legs, moving about continuously, twisting or fiddling their fingers or other items;


·       Appear restless and talk in a non-stop manner;


·       Interrupt others while talking, don’t let other finish their sentence;


·       Dominate conversations, not allowing others to participate. They generally engage in running commentary on every small activity going around them.


The behavior pattern of people with hyperactive symptoms tends to be loud and disruptive. They find it tough to regulate their own activity level and have great problems in social gatherings and while dealing with other people in school, offices or at home.


Impulsive behavior


Adults, adolescents and children with impulsive behavior, face problems in controlling their own behaviors and responses. They often react without thinking and land themselves in problems. Some common signs found in people with this disorder are:


·       Act and speak without considering the consequences;


·       Blurt responses without listening to the entire statement;


·       Rush through assignments or projects without reading or listening to complete instructions;


·       Difficulty in waiting for turns, or being patient;


·       Preference to speed over accuracy thereby, completing tasks in a careless manner.

The problem of lack of impulse control can land people with the disorder in high risk situations. Their behavior can create stressful situations at home, school and work life.


The signs and symptoms of ADHD might not be the same for everyone or limited to specific category of ADHD. Research has revealed that more than one-third of the children with ADHD problems, have more than one co-existing symptoms. Adults with ADHD display higher incidence of additional disorders. They may also suffer from depression, mood disorders, addictions, anxiety or phobias.

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