
Monday, January 28, 2013

How can you Slow your Hair Fall Naturally?

Hair fall is a natural phenomenon and studies have revealed that around hundred strands of hair are lost on a daily basis. However, this loss is covered up by the growth of equivalent strands of hair and hence, never noticed. The hair fall can be a problem, only when the amount of hair loss exceeds hair growth. If you notice that your bathroom shower drain is backing up and you pull out a bunch of hair from the grate, then this is a trigger for a problem.
You should accept that you have a problem of excessive hair loss, if your brush or comb is completely cluttered with hair and reveals more hair than its bristles or teeth. The realization of hair loss can be distressing and initiate negative feelings in you. The good news is that there are many natural solutions to slow the rate of hair loss and in certain instances,  even stop this problem completely.

How to Slow Down Hair Loss Naturally

Let us discuss the main causes for hair loss and related natural solutions to slow the hair loss rate.

Nutritious and well balanced diet

The saying "you are what you eat" holds completely true, both in the good and bad sense. If you consume healthy and balanced diet regularly, you are less likely to have health-related problems, especially as you grow older. If you are an ardent lover of the McDonalds Super Value meal and dwell on it, you become prone to various health disorders. Your hair also requires adequate nutrients to grow in a healthy and strong manner.Two most essential nutrients which strengthen your hair are folic acid and Vitamin C. Hair fall can be effectively reduced with their inclusion in the daily diet or through intake of supplements.Inclusion of Vitamin-A rich foods like mangoes, carrots, spinach and liver can promote the growth of healthy and lustrous hair. However, excess consumption of this vitamin can cause brittle hair and increase hair loss.Vitamin E adds elasticity to your blood vessels and related tissues which can promote blood circulation. This attribute reduces brittleness of hair and prevent breakages.

Restoration of moisture in your hair

Another  important factor causing hair loss is absence of moisture in the roots and strands.  The harmful UV sun rays, sodium-rich diet and  staying in climate-controlled spaces for a long time can deprive your body and hair of its moisture. You can increase the moisture content in your hair through various methods.Application of aloe Vera, frequently on your skin and areas surrounding the hair can prevent dryness of hair follicles and reduce hair loss.Drinking water up to 64 ounces daily can also provide requisite moisture to your hair.Oil massage with castor oil or olive oil can work effectively to strengthen your hair, reduce damage and restore moisture content to your scalp and hair. These oils work much better than regular application of water on the scalp as water tends to have a weakening effect on your hair while combing.


It is pertinent that you consult your physician before adding any nutritional supplement  to your diet. Vitamins and minerals are highly beneficial for health but some nutrients can interfere with certain medications. Hence, if you are already following a regime for any other reason, avoid putting yourself under any kind of risk. You have realized that adoption of a healthy lifestyle with adequate nutrients and a change in the daily hair care routine can be the twin solutions for your query 'How to Slow Down Hair Loss Naturally'.

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